Fitting into shoes: Enter Alex and Jordan’s.

The bass thumped rhythmically, sending vibrations through the crowded dance floor. Amidst the swirl of colors and the blur of dancing figures, Alex and Jordan moved to the beat, their laughter mingling with the music. To any onlooker, they were the epitome of friendship — inseparable and in sync.

Alex, ever the protector, watched over Jordan with a mix of admiration and concern. They had always been there for Jordan, through highs and lows, celebrations and heartbreaks. Alex’s feelings for Jordan ran deep, born from a place of genuine love and dedication.

Jordan, on the other hand, was a whirlwind of energy, attracting people like a magnet. Charismatic and engaging, they often found themselves the center of attention, leaving Alex on the sidelines. It was a pattern familiar to both: Jordan diving into new experiences and friendships, while Alex waited patiently in the wings.

As the night progressed, Jordan’s attention drifted, captivated by new faces and conversations. Alex watched from a distance, a familiar pang of neglect stirring within them. Despite this, Alex remained steadfast, their loyalty unwavering.

But beneath the surface, questions lingered. How long could Alex continue this dance of being there for Jordan, while their own feelings were overlooked? Was their patience a strength or a vulnerability? And for Jordan, would they realize the depth of Alex’s commitment before it was too late?

As the night deepened, the dance floor became more crowded, pulsing with energy. Jordan, ever the social butterfly, danced freely, their laughter echoing above the music. Alex, though enjoying the rhythm, kept a watchful eye, their protective instincts always attuned to their friend’s well-being.

In the midst of the vibrant scene, a new figure emerged, sliding into the space beside Jordan. This person, with a too-eager smile and an encroaching manner, began to dance a little too close for comfort. Jordan’s smile faltered, their movements growing constrained as they tried to politely distance themselves.

Alex, noticing the subtle change in Jordan’s demeanor, felt a familiar surge of protectiveness. They knew Jordan’s tendency to attract attention, not always welcome, and how it sometimes left them feeling overwhelmed. Without hesitation, Alex moved closer, their presence a silent but strong statement.

“Hey, Jordan, there’s someone I want you to meet,” Alex interjected smoothly, offering Jordan an out. Grateful relief flashed in Jordan’s eyes as they eagerly followed Alex away from the unwanted company.

As they moved to a quieter corner of the party, Jordan let out a breath they didn’t realize they’d been holding. “Thanks, Alex,” they said, a genuine smile returning to their face. “You always know when to step in.”

Alex shrugged modestly, but their eyes held a deep care that went beyond simple friendship. “Always got your back,” they replied simply, but the sentiment carried the weight of their unspoken feelings.

In that moment, the dynamics of their friendship were crystal clear. Alex, ever the guardian, was there to protect and support, while Jordan, often caught up in the whirlwind of life, sometimes failed to see the depth of Alex’s dedication.

Imagine yourself a “Jordan”. You enjoy the vibrancy of life, often getting caught up in the moment. You rely on Alex, sometimes without fully realizing it, and perhaps take their constant presence and support for granted.

Now, become the “Alex”. Feel the depth of your unwavering commitment and the pain of often unacknowledged love and protection. Understand the frustration and patience intertwined in your actions…

Fighting his way back home to you…

6.30 in the P.M and just got off the grinder. Peak period for traffic so I’m killing time at the bar round the corner from my office. Its a day like any. I’m tired. I’ve got my sleeves rolled up and my tie undone and I’m sipping on a LARGE glass of larger. I’m having a mental conversation with myself about the happenings of the day when I spot this fine a.. sister about to leave the room. Conversation between me and my mind quickly switches from stories of a hard days work to descriptions of  the vision of absolute sin standing before us.

Now I had hoped she’d do me a favour by just walking past and never looking back. That would have saved me the mental and emotional effort that came with fighting the welling temptation now steering up inside of me, but she didn’t. The siren took my breathe away from the moment my eyes left her backside and unconsciously met with hers pair of … not sure how to describe those eyes of hers. Yes, she noticed me too, but how on earth was I suppose to be glad about that?!

Surely if it was back in the day when a brother didn’t have a woman and the responsibility of a family… well you know the rest. Sadly, Christmas had only come TOO LATE. Damn that Santa Claus!, dishing out the coal all those years only to throw this wonderful gift of lust down my chimney now my hands are tied!

Eye contact must have been for a few seconds but in that time I felt like I had been sucked into eternity. All the should have, could have, would have’s flashed before my imaginative eyes and in that moment I had to muster every drop of will power  to pull myself out of those  pools of sweet seduction.

Self snapped back to reality, I look at my watch and then at my wedding ring while making a fist out of shear male frustration… breathing a sigh of what then seemed like disappointment I look back at her and she’s already got her back turned on me and is walking into the distance. Eyes back on her rolling ass again…  I sigh but this time sure that its in relief.

“A fine day its been so far” I tell my mind, resuming our conversation. “I dodged a bullet and still came out feeling like a sex A real man gives up one night stands for a woman he can't stand one night without.symbol ” 😉

Just thought I would appreciate what a lot of guys go through for the women they love. You are appreciated fellas! 😉