Fitting into shoes: Enter Alex and Jordan’s.

The bass thumped rhythmically, sending vibrations through the crowded dance floor. Amidst the swirl of colors and the blur of dancing figures, Alex and Jordan moved to the beat, their laughter mingling with the music. To any onlooker, they were the epitome of friendship — inseparable and in sync.

Alex, ever the protector, watched over Jordan with a mix of admiration and concern. They had always been there for Jordan, through highs and lows, celebrations and heartbreaks. Alex’s feelings for Jordan ran deep, born from a place of genuine love and dedication.

Jordan, on the other hand, was a whirlwind of energy, attracting people like a magnet. Charismatic and engaging, they often found themselves the center of attention, leaving Alex on the sidelines. It was a pattern familiar to both: Jordan diving into new experiences and friendships, while Alex waited patiently in the wings.

As the night progressed, Jordan’s attention drifted, captivated by new faces and conversations. Alex watched from a distance, a familiar pang of neglect stirring within them. Despite this, Alex remained steadfast, their loyalty unwavering.

But beneath the surface, questions lingered. How long could Alex continue this dance of being there for Jordan, while their own feelings were overlooked? Was their patience a strength or a vulnerability? And for Jordan, would they realize the depth of Alex’s commitment before it was too late?

As the night deepened, the dance floor became more crowded, pulsing with energy. Jordan, ever the social butterfly, danced freely, their laughter echoing above the music. Alex, though enjoying the rhythm, kept a watchful eye, their protective instincts always attuned to their friend’s well-being.

In the midst of the vibrant scene, a new figure emerged, sliding into the space beside Jordan. This person, with a too-eager smile and an encroaching manner, began to dance a little too close for comfort. Jordan’s smile faltered, their movements growing constrained as they tried to politely distance themselves.

Alex, noticing the subtle change in Jordan’s demeanor, felt a familiar surge of protectiveness. They knew Jordan’s tendency to attract attention, not always welcome, and how it sometimes left them feeling overwhelmed. Without hesitation, Alex moved closer, their presence a silent but strong statement.

“Hey, Jordan, there’s someone I want you to meet,” Alex interjected smoothly, offering Jordan an out. Grateful relief flashed in Jordan’s eyes as they eagerly followed Alex away from the unwanted company.

As they moved to a quieter corner of the party, Jordan let out a breath they didn’t realize they’d been holding. “Thanks, Alex,” they said, a genuine smile returning to their face. “You always know when to step in.”

Alex shrugged modestly, but their eyes held a deep care that went beyond simple friendship. “Always got your back,” they replied simply, but the sentiment carried the weight of their unspoken feelings.

In that moment, the dynamics of their friendship were crystal clear. Alex, ever the guardian, was there to protect and support, while Jordan, often caught up in the whirlwind of life, sometimes failed to see the depth of Alex’s dedication.

Imagine yourself a “Jordan”. You enjoy the vibrancy of life, often getting caught up in the moment. You rely on Alex, sometimes without fully realizing it, and perhaps take their constant presence and support for granted.

Now, become the “Alex”. Feel the depth of your unwavering commitment and the pain of often unacknowledged love and protection. Understand the frustration and patience intertwined in your actions…

My Honey Bee … To my daughter

Dear Honey Bee,

I prayed for you, and during my conversation with The Creator the weirdest instruction came to mind. “give her an animal spirit”. and I fashioned the character I hoped you would imbibe through the qualities of … the Honey Bee 🐝

Why the Honey Bee you ask?. Well, I asked myself the same question as the thought flashed before my eye’s mind.

My first thought of reasoning was that Honey Bee would be a great nickname for a girl, but my spirit bore further.

not only did the namea appbut the essence of the animal itself… its qualities. It was based on those qualities that I was convinced that the character of this marvellous creature was meant for you.

… The Honey Bee

Sena, I dub you the Honey Bee. You are my Honey Bee; you are The Lord’s Honey Bee. from you springs qualities of love, simplicity, sweetness, happens and kindness. But even more, like the honey bee who buzzes from flower to flower spreading pollen for the continuation of life, you my darling spread joy where ever you go. You have a light in you that could only have been put there by the The Creator Himself. Always remember that and use these gifts to make “HIM” happy, by making others around you happy…😇

Sena, is it okay if I take it a little more time to dig deeper into the character I forged for you as a parent?
You see Sena, in the kingdom of the honey bee also know as a hive, there are 3 types pf bees.

We have:
The Worker Bees
The Soldier Bees
And there’s the Queen. Now I say Queen because there is only one Queen at all times is a hive and then the many many other workers and soldiers. Isn’t that something?!

From all the classes of this magnificent animal you possess qualities that make you the radiant being that you are.

From the worker bee you get your energetic spirit, you are cooperative, an achiever and a team player.
The worker bees are known to nurse the babies of the hive and that is were you get your extremely caring attitude.

As Soldier Bee you are physically and mentally strong, you are focused, respectful, selfless and courageous.
The Soldier bee will defend its hive from whatever threat or enemy it encounters and just like them you are devoted to loving and defending those around you… Thank you for loving and defending me.😍

As the Queen bee… You are unique, with a beautiful soul that stands out and attracts things of “The Light”. You are royalty made by The Creator’s Hand and for His Glory alone.

Sena, I need you to see yourself as the leader that up are, always. You are a servant to those you lead. Yes, you are a GOOD leader.

You are sweet! Just like the female worker honey bee that creates Honey, you my dear Sena make honey through your infectious joy and laughter, your kindness, thoughtfulness and humble being.

Finally, Honey bees are key in flower pollination, just like the butterfly that flutters from flower to flower spreading seeds around. You my honey bee are kind and ever willing to share, no just your physical stuff, but also your Joy. You make others happy… you make Me happy.

Always remember to see yourself this way my Honey bee.
Walk this path and The Lord Almighty will continue to bathe you in HIS Light.

I love you my Honey bee… my Sena.

To Parents:
We have a responsibility to our children, to help mould their destiny. Why not start by blessing them with a spirit animal.
The purpose of this open love letter to my daughter is to show just how fulfilling it can be when a child is given character even before birth and to actually see all the qualities unfold as he or she grows.

…Speak into their lives and then speak to Them.

To Children:
You are special, you are loved and you too have Character!

Whispered Confession

We kiss,
 a dream "We" are made of
 (laying in my lovers arms)
 of  bitter sweet and shear ecstasy
 Jagged  pill- Truth, the noble entity  prophesies,
 Disaster this love will be

Courtesy of
Courtesy of

Kiss me quickly!
 Chasing away this shadow of reality
 Turn truth to doubt by the closeness of 
our lips
 Yet this... this...
 the fact that lingers...
 It is not love; it is not lust
 But calculated affection that binds us
 yet is it not safer so, is it not enough?...

An ode to final partings


I loved you then, I love you still my dear Father…


Reminiscing now the chill that day,
Perhaps only internal,
Did winds blow outside? I forget
Gun shots  loud speak salutation to a Hearse,
Winter takes form and makes a place within the home,
Cold winds that did freeze and break the heart
Winter in my heart,
Winter to my touch as I bid farewell…

on NOT raising rapists…

No its not poetry but #Adjustedsails delivers a POWERFUL message here “on NOT raising Rapists”… Enjoy!


“Nobody ever says I wanna be a [RAPIST] when I grow up.” I liked those late ’80s commercials stressing the importance of making early anti-drug decisions by choosing NOT to be a drug-user. As a passionate advocate of abuse prevention, I teach my children, and admonish others to teach their children, NOT to be rapists and NOT to be abusers (sexual, physical, emotional, or otherwise). People usually ask, “How? What’s a practical way?” My response: “Explicitly!” We don’t teach our children much else in vague terms. We don’t JUST say, “Mind your manners.” We say, “Don’t put your elbows on the table.” We don’t JUST say, “Respect others’ things.” We say, “Don’t go upstairs without their permission, or don’t run in their home, or don’t jump on their couch.” Well, I’d much rather your son run across my couch than rape my daughter! Likewise, I’m sure you’d much rather…

View original post 564 more words


Those hands and lips that did me much pleasure
That tongue that roamed living me in a state of leisure
You were my drug, my dose of ecstasy
In moments passion I look down upon our bodies
joined as one and I crave this eternity

But is it fate for me?
Is it meant to be?
So says fate

“Nay, only futility
Sure sex is sweet fruit yet as candy too much-too bad for the tooth”

The taste of your juice- mouth, skin and down under
The feel of you, my mind and body shudder-I wonder
could you be my thunder?
If so then I seek for it to Rrrain forever!!!
My avenging angel by Eros sent to subdue my cares
momentarily as we mesh undoubtedly in the bosom of ecstasy

bigstock-Love-in-text-15394607I wanting you, you wanting me, this just has to be Lo… Ust!
So where is the Love?
Question that echoes ever so faintly as we fashion our interpretation of “Love”

bigstock-Lust-44528956Please make a way for fate to say we are worthy
To lose you would hurt me
What to do with these feelings that corrupt me
Cursed ’cause I’m craving your body
while true love is on the high seas…

Pretty Heels

Walking in her pretty heels,
Surety in her stride,
unseen pressure points
and pain hidden that
only translate to varicose veins

Life, one big test- a parlay
To the party, initiated at first breath
Trials giving way to testimony, leading
to testament at death.

Her unfolding story is mine
of boulders crashing down
tempests unresting versus the calm
spectator and actor amidst the rise and falls
A tumultuous mind, groaning existence

Stings ease with each silent scream
Suicide- won’t welcome the hand that
suddenly ends the huddles, the runs,
crashes and burns, the rumps, the bumps
and turns- Puddles of mud laying in front,
…So tired of the jump

Her life- a misty mirror with its many cracks
Tears mapping her yesterday
and in that same distance, trails of
“honey-coated” memories- strengthening
 here and tomorrow, .

Brighter days just up ahead,
Rays soon to pierce through the gloom-
in hope she spurs on
heart focused on a multicolored dawn

Calm waters, sweet sea breeze, blue skies
wind and sea bird cries
the taste of salt, the feel of sand grains
marking her almost naked skin – “a daydream”

In reality, life’s current rages on,
She’s super girl- “S” on her chest,
taking on the world with music in her steps
In her pretty heels, walking life’s yellow brick road,
They still sting yet her expressions will never show.

Really, every woman is an example to me, because as women we go through so much pain. We have to live this perfect life when we are messed up inside. We all go through trials and tribulations.
Mary J. Blige

Attraction in a dark room

A meeting, sweet.
Dark room,
flickering lights mingled
with laughter and fright,

We are children again,
Sucked in by the fantasy
of animation in technicolor.

Our guard let down,
Two strangers in the dark,
Popcorn, sweeter when shared.
Together we experience the coaster ride.
..and what a ride!
New friendship exits a luminate room.

Night carries on but again adults we become.
You, the sweetest creature and I, unsure.
Dare I try to peel away your surface?
I may be sucked in!

“Perhaps another life” you once wrote,
Well all so very true,
Thoughts of you,
Thoughts of us,
And then me thinks…
Contentment will have to do…

My Dark Muse (My Muse is Black today!..)

My Muse is Black today!..

She is black today…

She weighs upon my chest
words that make no sense,
Much nonsense put on paper
with the many blip-blips to censor
dark expression flowing from a broken center

My muse damns me to this inspiration,
Choke-filled with life’s putrid manifestation
Vexed from the stings of bites not felt
yet heard and seen…

I am ANGRY! because its Death for breakfast,
War and Anarchy! My pain is palpable- come- cut,
taste with me- This muse is ours,
Awakenings to life’s woes she showers us constantly

Even in the comfort of home, exposed
by the media drawing my attention to the next bomb
that explodes, Reports of wars-disasters and poverty
Oops! This just in, more fatalities…
Fake- ass governments and their bullshit policies,
Resolute terrorists making God seem the enemy…

Her essence causing these scales fall- BUT resiliently,
For lies will always be sweeter than honesty, now
lying naked to the truth and left questioning,
Existence!… is it Hell or is it Purgatory?


I smile as I see your face in my wallet…
Traces of you that had begun to fade
and as I am reminded
Sadness drapes over me-thick
curtains at the Epiphany…
” I lost you that day, most certainly”

I stare a little longer
The portal to your soul giving
life to you portrait,
Your eyes beaming back at me,
I hear your laughter- Deep,
Commanding… Gentle,
I breathe a sigh with eyes closed
and hold you in my mental.

2 years you’ve been gone, it feels like 3
Death was cruel to snatch you from me,
Each year passes bringing its distance
Your birthday last year… forgive me, I missed it 😦
But it doesn’t mean you are lost to me
Neither are you forgotten,
‘Just wish I didn’t have to depend on a picture,
I’d rather stare at you in person!

Deeply  embedded you are in my history
The foundation of my family tree…
To forget you Papa… would be to forget me.
So I’ll hold on to your pictures and be reminded
In hope that at journey’s end we’ll be reunited

Your daughter