My Honey Bee … To my daughter

Dear Honey Bee,

I prayed for you, and during my conversation with The Creator the weirdest instruction came to mind. “give her an animal spirit”. and I fashioned the character I hoped you would imbibe through the qualities of … the Honey Bee 🐝

Why the Honey Bee you ask?. Well, I asked myself the same question as the thought flashed before my eye’s mind.

My first thought of reasoning was that Honey Bee would be a great nickname for a girl, but my spirit bore further.

not only did the namea appbut the essence of the animal itself… its qualities. It was based on those qualities that I was convinced that the character of this marvellous creature was meant for you.

… The Honey Bee

Sena, I dub you the Honey Bee. You are my Honey Bee; you are The Lord’s Honey Bee. from you springs qualities of love, simplicity, sweetness, happens and kindness. But even more, like the honey bee who buzzes from flower to flower spreading pollen for the continuation of life, you my darling spread joy where ever you go. You have a light in you that could only have been put there by the The Creator Himself. Always remember that and use these gifts to make “HIM” happy, by making others around you happy…😇

Sena, is it okay if I take it a little more time to dig deeper into the character I forged for you as a parent?
You see Sena, in the kingdom of the honey bee also know as a hive, there are 3 types pf bees.

We have:
The Worker Bees
The Soldier Bees
And there’s the Queen. Now I say Queen because there is only one Queen at all times is a hive and then the many many other workers and soldiers. Isn’t that something?!

From all the classes of this magnificent animal you possess qualities that make you the radiant being that you are.

From the worker bee you get your energetic spirit, you are cooperative, an achiever and a team player.
The worker bees are known to nurse the babies of the hive and that is were you get your extremely caring attitude.

As Soldier Bee you are physically and mentally strong, you are focused, respectful, selfless and courageous.
The Soldier bee will defend its hive from whatever threat or enemy it encounters and just like them you are devoted to loving and defending those around you… Thank you for loving and defending me.😍

As the Queen bee… You are unique, with a beautiful soul that stands out and attracts things of “The Light”. You are royalty made by The Creator’s Hand and for His Glory alone.

Sena, I need you to see yourself as the leader that up are, always. You are a servant to those you lead. Yes, you are a GOOD leader.

You are sweet! Just like the female worker honey bee that creates Honey, you my dear Sena make honey through your infectious joy and laughter, your kindness, thoughtfulness and humble being.

Finally, Honey bees are key in flower pollination, just like the butterfly that flutters from flower to flower spreading seeds around. You my honey bee are kind and ever willing to share, no just your physical stuff, but also your Joy. You make others happy… you make Me happy.

Always remember to see yourself this way my Honey bee.
Walk this path and The Lord Almighty will continue to bathe you in HIS Light.

I love you my Honey bee… my Sena.

To Parents:
We have a responsibility to our children, to help mould their destiny. Why not start by blessing them with a spirit animal.
The purpose of this open love letter to my daughter is to show just how fulfilling it can be when a child is given character even before birth and to actually see all the qualities unfold as he or she grows.

…Speak into their lives and then speak to Them.

To Children:
You are special, you are loved and you too have Character!


I smile as I see your face in my wallet…
Traces of you that had begun to fade
and as I am reminded
Sadness drapes over me-thick
curtains at the Epiphany…
” I lost you that day, most certainly”

I stare a little longer
The portal to your soul giving
life to you portrait,
Your eyes beaming back at me,
I hear your laughter- Deep,
Commanding… Gentle,
I breathe a sigh with eyes closed
and hold you in my mental.

2 years you’ve been gone, it feels like 3
Death was cruel to snatch you from me,
Each year passes bringing its distance
Your birthday last year… forgive me, I missed it 😦
But it doesn’t mean you are lost to me
Neither are you forgotten,
‘Just wish I didn’t have to depend on a picture,
I’d rather stare at you in person!

Deeply  embedded you are in my history
The foundation of my family tree…
To forget you Papa… would be to forget me.
So I’ll hold on to your pictures and be reminded
In hope that at journey’s end we’ll be reunited

Your daughter

My Resolutions

Its the month of the crab people! 🙂 (OK, the other month of the crab) and JUST A FEW WEEKS TO MY BIRTHDAY!!! No, this post does not contain my wish list ….that will come later 😉 (lol!)

This may sound funny, but I have always seen my birthday as the real moment for ushering in the new year. I take my time to make new resolutions weeks before “D-day” and spend the next year working on my new cause. I turned the big “THREE- O” last year and weeks before my birthday, no, this time it was months before my birthday! I began panicking about entering the 3rd decade of my life without the “would be” fulfillment of most women my age (you know- A home, marriage, kids and perhaps a dog or maybe even a cat). I was fortunate enough to have the encouragement of friends older than myself, either of a similar circumstance or lucky enough to be living the fairytale life.

I specifically remember the advice of a girlfriend of mine. Chidinma, then in the 2nd year of her 30’s, 4 years married and a mom of 2, told told me with eyes rolling

“marriage and all that comes with it is …yes, wonderful! But if you don’t have it at this time, don’t sweat it, it will come at the right moment and hopefully you will have what it takes (i.e. the maturity and patience)to see  yours through. No panic, go throw yourself for the wrong man hand o! This is the time to love yourself and love life, and instead of becoming desperate for what you don’t have, look to what you do have and appreciate it ALL.”

I took that piece of advice and have held on to it till this very day! 30 has finally come and as its about flying out the window, I can proudly say that I have spent this year being more appreciative of my every breath  of life and the people I share it with. So on to the next one! 🙂

This coming year its all about:

  • Eating Healthy –  I seem to have over indulged myself for most of last year ( must’ve  gone a bit over board with the whole love myself move :D). I believe I gained about 10 pounds ’cause I’m almost a dress size bigger now 😐 . So no more sweet stuff for me! No more junk! no more cakes! …Getting very sad as I write all this :(, but its called sacrifice 😉 and luckily for me not only is Chidinma a wonderful counselor, she’s also coaching me through this new life style of mine … GO CHIDINMA!!!! 🙂
  • Joining a Cause – I believe that is very necessary for everyone to join a selfless cause at some point in their life and for me its going down in mid- 2012! Well I’m still looking for one though, so if you have any ideas or links please hook me up pronto!!!  THANKS! 😉
  • Rekindle my passion for Pets (Dogs to be more exact) -There was a time I could tell you  a lot about dog breeding and care; I could walk into most houses where there were dogs unafraid, and when all my passwords had something to do with canines or bore the name of my pets. I still love dogs and have 2 beautiful Alsatians back in my home town, but its time to step it up a bit. I intent becoming more informed about these wonderful creatures (the different breed, their temperaments, and how best to care for them). No, I’m not looking at becoming another “Dog Whisperer“, but I do plan on taking care of a number of them like I did as a kid someday.
  • Keep Loving ME and Stay Positive about the Future – I believe that sums it up. Still single, no kids and yet to land my dream job but hey, THIS IS LIFE and I am and will continue living it for all its worth :). Sure, sometimes I ache for the next chapter whatever it maybe, but I will be sure to keep reminding myself that it is best to be thankful for “the here and now” and be hopeful for the future.

I know there is so much more I intend doing this new year but I can’t think of them all right now, so I’ll be sure to fill you in on my progress come next year God willing.  😉

Cheers! 🙂

P.S- Wish list coming soon 😉

😀 HEHEHE!!!!

My Mom in 2012

Yep! Its that time again when a girl’s got to rant about her mother! … Yes, Yes! She’s still my Roomie!

This time however its pretty different… I have matured you see…. NO, I’m not a parent just yet, but I HAVE become more patient and understanding towards most situations…. In other words, I’ve developed a thick skin ;). Its been a year since my post, “My Mommie; My Roomie!” where I shared the ordeal of  experiencing my Mama at close range. Today I have decided to give an update on the progress of our cohabitation… ENJOY!!!! 😀

Life After Papa:Mama and Papa

I guess we’ve had to adjust when it comes to mother, daughter misunderstandings. I must tell you that it was quite a bumpy road we were on initially… I distinctly remember a shoe flying across the room during one of our bouts :D. In my father’s absence my baby brother has had to take on the role of buffer, husband and even Pops :D… You should see when my mom and I have the poor fella settling issues. Its in those moments I realise how alike he is with my late old man :).He never takes a side; he just goes silent and has this silly gaze like he’s been walking the Cannabis field, and I can bet in those moments he’s thinking “Do I look like freaking King Solomon to you ladies?!” :|. Papa however, being the diplomat that he was in his later years, always offered some sort of advice in the end.

So you would think my brother isn’t much of a buffer right? WRONG!… That unnerving silence  of his can be SO annoying, that soon mama and I tend to forget our differences and turn on him.  Its helped to reduce the incidents to a minimum because we figure that we will only get aggravated in the end… Talk about a strategy, know! 😉

… But it hasn’t been all about quelling fights.

In the past one year I have also come to see a side of my mother that I admire and makes me proud to be her daughter on a daily :)… In spite of her loss she is still that strong woman she’s always been known to be. Papa’s death didn’t break her the way I had feared it would. She took ill for a little bit but the battle axe bounced right back to health thank God! :). Naturally she misses her husband dearly and talks about him EVERY CHANCE SHE GETS! Yet she’s managed to take the gap he made in that big, “Mary Poppin’s bag” like heart of her’s and fill it with love for the new and old people in her life…. Papa wasn’t her world, she was his… 🙂

She’s out of town for about a month  starting next week, leaving ME to be a big girl all by myself…. NOT! She would never do that to any of her babies! ;)… I envisage Momsie doing all she can to keep close even when 2 continents away… She recently got a Blackberry and of course she’s expecting ALL her off-spring to be on her list once the Messenger App.’s been activated…. Why that never happened long before this planned trip I will never know. Thank GOODNESS she’s not on Facebook right! 😐

She gets under my skin once in a while that’s for sure, but I just have to love her for the innocently comical and loving mother she is. PLUS, I ALWAYS remind myself how someday it will be my turn to be pretty annoying and so I’m taking it easy on the old lady 😉

There are two side to every coin…. My Mom sure is a SHINY ONE! 🙂

… love you Mama 😉

Beggar Girl

Different lives, different locations;
But sharing that same condition… A beggar girl’s destiny.
Born into penury, her pockets she fills with her plea

“Oga gimme change na!
Madam help ya daughta!
Daddy I beg hep me!
Mommy gimme wata!”

As a child her innocence is her might,
Her youthful smile and laughter her charm,
With pure resilience she disarms her passerby,
Attaching herself to her prospective financier
this small frame with teary eyes lets out her angelic cry

“Oga gimme change na!
Madam help ya daughta!
Daddy I beg hep me!
Mommy gimme wata!”

She grows older; begging her career
but the older she gets, the less her financiers
Her innocence is lost with age, a woman is on the rise,
Not many pity a wondering girl in her teens as she gives off her daily cry

“Oga gimme change na!
Madam help ya daughta!
Daddy I beg hep me!
Mommy gimme wata!”

In some stories, on the streets she becomes a woman begging for her bread,
And where begging fills not her pocket, her body is often shared.
Her story is told in most corners of the world,
She is different colours, shapes and sizes yet a common “Beggar girl”.
Her call for aid is made in different languages and most mother tongues,
But here, these are the words I hear so often sung

“Oga gimme change na!
Madam hep ya daughta!
Daddy I beg hep me!
Mommy gimme wata!”

©2011 Festivalking

To the Virgin Mother and my Master, her Blessed Son.

These words are born not from one of denomination but of an appreciative mind of what Mother and Son must have had to endure….

How do I tell you I am sorry for all your pain dear Mother and Son
The sacrifice you made was tremendous and yet each time I turn a blind eye and do as I please… I take you back to that moment .
Master and Mother… Please take pity on this young woman’s soul.
Dear Master and Son, you were scourged for my sins; bruised for my iniquity and yet…daily I find ways of putting you back on that tree.

Dear Mother, although you knew since the time of my Master’s birth the weight he would carry, still you brought Him up to embrace that destiny. It couldn’t have been easy for you… You a woman like myself and yet nothing like me.
You bore a child; raised and nurtured him in the way of the Lord. Of course you must have known the dangers that laid ahead for the Son of Man but you encouraged him still.

I apologise for every time its seem as if I do not appreciate the pain you went through.

….Thank you Dear and Blessed Mother.