I have “Foot”


“Mama, I have foot…”

Yes sweetie, two little ones,
speedily growing, swift in stride
carrying with them the giggling sound of your mischief,
the humorous expressions of your 2 year old wisdom.

You move with them and I can scarcely keep up.
chase me! chase me! you say. “Now i’ll chase you…”
These sessions ending the same every time
I catching my breath while you yell “lets continue”

Your quicksilver moves at the stores are a challenge
I watch you jet down the isle, a “catch me” said in your giggle
“If I catch you!…” my mind mutters in annoyance, and yet I do.
Into a shopping cart, sweeping you up… AND OFF WE GO!

Wear your socks baby
No Mama, I have foot” 
Amazing! we came by each other only 2 years ago
yet today my quicksilver bears a silver tongue

Foot or feet, mama gets the picture and respects your wish,
I’ll just wait till you lay fast asleep and later parcel them in wool
And for each night I do this, I’ll gaze upon your growing feet and say a prayer
… that they may grow to fit into shoes far better than my own.

Please feel free to join the party by clicking on the link below!


Today we’re looking at writing/creating a profile/portrait in our verse.

Pretty Heels

Walking in her pretty heels,
Surety in her stride,
unseen pressure points
and pain hidden that
only translate to varicose veins

Life, one big test- a parlay
To the party, initiated at first breath
Trials giving way to testimony, leading
to testament at death.

Her unfolding story is mine
of boulders crashing down
tempests unresting versus the calm
spectator and actor amidst the rise and falls
A tumultuous mind, groaning existence

Stings ease with each silent scream
Suicide- won’t welcome the hand that
suddenly ends the huddles, the runs,
crashes and burns, the rumps, the bumps
and turns- Puddles of mud laying in front,
…So tired of the jump

Her life- a misty mirror with its many cracks
Tears mapping her yesterday
and in that same distance, trails of
“honey-coated” memories- strengthening
 here and tomorrow, .

Brighter days just up ahead,
Rays soon to pierce through the gloom-
in hope she spurs on
heart focused on a multicolored dawn

Calm waters, sweet sea breeze, blue skies
wind and sea bird cries
the taste of salt, the feel of sand grains
marking her almost naked skin – “a daydream”

In reality, life’s current rages on,
She’s super girl- “S” on her chest,
taking on the world with music in her steps
In her pretty heels, walking life’s yellow brick road,
They still sting yet her expressions will never show.

Really, every woman is an example to me, because as women we go through so much pain. We have to live this perfect life when we are messed up inside. We all go through trials and tribulations.
Mary J. Blige

Came WE to play…

First cry to shut eye
At play, “Connecting the dots
Shaping Destiny

Beginning to end
Fitting pieces as we go
Breathing, in “Jigsaws”

A “Mortal Kombat”
With no flawless victories
…then we fade to dust


Its about “PUZZLES” @dVersepoets 🙂 … Hope this piece isn’t too puzzling 😉



Stretched out

due to season

Anticipating the embrace,
The white, crystal cloak
soon to bare over…
Blistering winds
do shake the buds,
Your ovaries
in cryogenic sleep,


of your form
of your fingers
in your structure…

Imagery savored in pixels

Your nakedness
till yet another season…

Today @ dVerse Poets, Brian Miller is hosting Poetics and the prompt is based on photographic art inspiration (Photograph all provided by SueAnn) … Feel free to join in the fun! 🙂
Thanks Brian! 🙂


Nay not ever the same, seized
From Gaya’s bosom, snatched
As she slumbered, luminosity
And then a pause, theories of
Time dismissed as time becomes abyss.

Celestial captors poking-prodding, she
Much ado’s about nothing, mentally
Floating, dreamy sensations cold as death-hot
As hell, barely conscious she dreams of
Beaming lights, silhouettes of demons
Peering over her naked form, Fighting
her unconsciousness, a scared lab rat
Nibbling at its cage.

No recollection, yet the stimuli of
trial and error she suffers, faceless fiends
having their way with mortality, all
In the name of curiosity, casting
Aside mere sapiens at whim, returning
Them to theoretical reality, such is she
Chucked back into the ordinary without
Memory, yet she is nay, not ever the same….

Victoria is discussing Enjambment and Steampunkery on dVerse Poets so I’ve written this “WEIRD PIECE” as an enjambment (I HOPE! 😀 … Not quite clear about this form just yet). I am very open to healthy criticism so please, don’t be a stranger 🙂
Cheers! 😉