I have “Foot”


“Mama, I have foot…”

Yes sweetie, two little ones,
speedily growing, swift in stride
carrying with them the giggling sound of your mischief,
the humorous expressions of your 2 year old wisdom.

You move with them and I can scarcely keep up.
chase me! chase me! you say. “Now i’ll chase you…”
These sessions ending the same every time
I catching my breath while you yell “lets continue”

Your quicksilver moves at the stores are a challenge
I watch you jet down the isle, a “catch me” said in your giggle
“If I catch you!…” my mind mutters in annoyance, and yet I do.
Into a shopping cart, sweeping you up… AND OFF WE GO!

Wear your socks baby
No Mama, I have foot” 
Amazing! we came by each other only 2 years ago
yet today my quicksilver bears a silver tongue

Foot or feet, mama gets the picture and respects your wish,
I’ll just wait till you lay fast asleep and later parcel them in wool
And for each night I do this, I’ll gaze upon your growing feet and say a prayer
… that they may grow to fit into shoes far better than my own.

Please feel free to join the party by clicking on the link below!


Today we’re looking at writing/creating a profile/portrait in our verse.


Yep! its also me right here 🙂
Blessed day! 😉

What My Preacher Taught Me

Hello! 🙂

Its been a while and although  I have soooomuch material I am yet to publish in this space of mine, I have today a word that was impressed upon my heart and that I would just LOVE to share with you.

I know a lot of us go through the challenge of guilt, the past is never truly forgotten. Lately I have begun a new transition in my faith- No, I’m not becoming a pastor or anything but I have decided for a tighter relationship with my maker. Anyway, it so happens that recently I was basking in the beauty of my renewed relationship with Christ when I let my guilt get the best of me and off I went on a pity party!

“How can I call myself a child of God with all the baggage in my past?”

Why do we do that to ourselves?!…

View original post 635 more words

Poetry in disguise…

Love Song For A Vampire by Annie Lennox– (Lyrics)

Come into these arms again
and lay your body down
The rhythm of this trembling heart
is beating like a drum
It beats for you, it bleeds for you
it knows not how it sounds
For it is the drum of drums
it is the song of songs

Once I had the rarest rose
that ever deemed to bloom
Cruel winter chilled the bud
and stole my flower too soon
Oh loneliness, Oh hopelessness
to search the ends of time
For there is in all the world
no greater love than mine.

Love o love o …. still falls the rain
Love o love o …. still falls the night
Love o love o …. damned forever

Let me be the only one
to keep you from the cold
Now the floor of heaven is laid
the stars are bright as gold
They shine for you, they shine for you
they burn for all to see
…Come into these arms again
and set this spirit free

I turned on the media player of my computer this morning and this was the first song to greet me. Just in case you didn’t know, its the theme song to Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 film adaptation “Dracula”.
Call me weird but its still one of my best songs EVER! Take a moment to read through the lyrics of the song and you’ll soon realize,  its not just  music… its poetry.
Enjoy your day! 🙂

Līgo Circle of Appreciation

I’d like to start this post by thanking “ESENGA’S VOICE” for appreciating this blog through the Līgo Circle of Appreciation.

In her words:

The yearly Līgo celebration happens every summer solstice in Latvia.
At this time we adorn our heads with Līgos of flowers, oak leaves,
grasses and plants. We join circles around bonfires and celebrate life,
and our appreciation of each other.

Here’s our
Līgo Circle of Appreciation
among fellow bloggers. ( for more please click on: (ESENGA’S VOICE- Ligo Circle of Appreciation)

Here’s how it works:

* Complete this sentence about blogging: ”A great blog is…
* Refer back to the blogger who invited you
* Invite 2 bloggers to join the Līgo Circle of Appreciation on a post

A blog is… a window to another world. 

The intent is to peep but vision, word and animation hold us captive

Thought and emotion are aroused and finally we are sucked into a new Dimension

We stay only for a moment but we leave never the same

Snapping back to reality with a little more wisdom, gladness or pain

I’d like to add to this wonderful circle of bloggers:

http://evokingthedeep.wordpress.com/ for his amazing poems that stir the romantic soul.


http://iftodaywehear.wordpress.com/For her daily simple poems that teach us simple faith

Once again a BIG thank you to Esenga’s Voice! Please check out the wonderful world she has created at http://esengasvoice.wordpress.com

Cheers! 🙂